NTI Child Welfare Supervisor Training
Free state-of-the-art, web-based, standardized training that gives you the ability to learn at your own pace.
Each module includes a short lesson for child welfare supervisors that identifies three key skills from that module that supervisors can help support staff to use in their daily casework practice. Lessons include brief discussion about challenges or barriers to using these skills and how supervisors can address them, potential conversation starters to use with staff, one or more video roleplays demonstrating discussions between supervisors and staff to help build or strengthen staff skills or address challenges staff may encounter in using the skills, as well as a summary of tools from the training that can be used.

Course curriculum
Course Overview
Lesson 1: Introduction to Supervision
Lesson 2: Understanding the Mental Health Needs of Youth & Children
Lesson 3: Promoting Secure Attachments - Relationships & Experiences Matter
Lesson 4: How Race, Ethnicity, Culture, and Diversity Impact Adoption & Guardianship
Lesson 5: Processing & Managing Feelings & Thoughts about Their Losses
Lesson 6: Addressing the Impact of Trauma on Child Development & Mental Health
Lesson 7: Identity Formation
Lesson 8: Promoting Family Stability & Preservation Postadoption & Guardianship
Training Survey
NTI Video Links
NTI Directory
Cassidy Seminars

About this course
- Free
- 14 lessons
- 0 hours of video content