What's in this course?

Equip yourself with the critical knowledge you need as a child welfare professional to design emergency preparedness plans.

Sign up now to learn how to prepare and respond to the five most common natural disasters in Texas! This course provides insights into lessons learned from Hurricane Harvey, an overview of FEMA’s National Preparedness Goal, and a look at DFPS’ Emergency Preparedness Guidelines. Participants will discover detailed information about how to identify emergency alerts, perform vulnerability assessments, create plans, communicate effectively, comply with HIPPA, and secure private information.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    1. Tell Us About You

    2. Course Learning Outcomes

    3. Training Information

    4. Hurricane Harvey

    5. What Are Natural Disasters?

    1. Hurricanes

    2. Knowledge Assessment

    1. Wimberly Flood Video

    2. Floods

    3. Knowledge Assessment

    1. Tornandoes

    2. Knowledge Assessment

    1. Wildfires

    2. Knowledge Assessment

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content